Experience Ecuador Safely

With the continued impact of COVID-19 on global travel, Bespoke Galapagos remains focused on the safety of our guests, both current and future.

Every destination in Ecuador is open, with no restrictions more than wearing your mask and, to enter most public spaces, proof of vaccination is required.

Not only is Galapagos one of the best and safest places to visit during the pandemic, your trip has a direct impact on protecting wildlife, conserving habitats, employing people in the archipelago – but also one of the safest:

  • 100% of those eligible for the vaccine in the Galapagos Islands are already vaccinated.
  • More than 80% of the Ecuadorian population has been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

What do you need to travel to Ecuador?

As from February 11th, 2022 the new entry requirements to Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands by air are:

All passengers over 3 years of age entering the country and/or traveling to Galapagos must present:

  1. Vaccination certificate with its QR code, or a valid vaccination card (two doses and at least 14 days validity), or a negative RT-PCR test performed up to 72 hours prior to departure.

    *The only authorized test for entry into the country is the RT-PCR test.

  2. Any person who enters Continental Ecuador by international air must present the digital Traveler’s Health Declaration before boarding the plane.
  3. Additionally, all travelers must present the transit control card issued by the Galapagos Government Council. Bespoke Galapagos will assist you with this process.

What is the price of the PCR test that travelers must take?

The price of the PCR test ranges between $40 to $50 US Dollars and must come from a laboratory recognized by the Agency for Quality Assurance of Health Services and Prepaid Medicine (ACESS). Some laboratories can take the samples at your location. The delivery time of the results varies but most arrive in less than 24 hours.

Additional Note:

Airport assistance (passenger dispatch) for flights to Galapagos may not be possible due to current restrictions of the authorities. Bespoke Galapagos organizes, through its representatives and partners, the delivery of the necessary documents during transfers or by delivering them to your hotel.