Carnival: The celebration of Carnival across Ecuador comes before Lent. Thus, the exact date will depend on Easter's date. The festival is often celebrated by playing with and throwing water.
However, some villages prefer to use eggs and flour while more urban areas such as large cities will use the special carnival foam.
The carnival festival is celebrated with the mentioned games using water and traditional dances in Tungurahua. Alternatively, it is celebrated in Ambato with an exquisite fair of fruits and flowers, while the Afro Festival takes place with an international
crowd in Esmeraldas. This is a music festival which also hosts dance competitions.
The most well-known festival takes place a few days prior and is called Carnival of Guaranda. At this party, you will find the traditional chicha drink which is made from corn, Blue Bird liquor, and beverages of Pajaro Azul. This is an annual festival
and includes music, parades, dancing, costumes, and it will be difficult to miss locals throwing flour and water to visitors and passers-by.
The carnival that commences the celebrations is the Carnival of the Father, locally known as Taita Carnival. There is an opening celebration which is then followed by a party that lasts for eight days.
Virgen de la Caridad - February 2nd: Dances, fireworks, cow capture, and ball games are played at the Festival to the Virgin in Carchi. It is also known as Fiesta de la Virgen de la Caridad.
Feast of the earthquake lord - February 4th: In Patate, Tungurahua, Señor del Terremoto takes place and is known as a feast of the earthquake lord.
The Day of the East - February 12th: This day marks an anniversary of the country’s discovery of the Amazon River. This "Day of the East" celebration includes fairs in Puyo, Macas, Zamora, and